Deviled Eggs in 5 Easy Steps

Step 1:

Boil the eggs for 10 minutes. Once they are boiled, peel the eggs. 

Step 2: 

Cut the egg in half and carefully remove the yolks. For this step, it's best to use a small spoon. Place the egg yolk in a bowl.

Step 3:

Put pepper, salt, and mayonnaise in the bowl and mash everything using a fork until you have a fine, smooth texture.. You can also add paprika, cayenne pepper, and other spices. Additionally, you can add shrimp or bacon if you like. 

Step 4: 

Once everything is smooth like a purée, put it back into the egg white halves again. You can top it with small shrimp pieces, bacon, or spices. In the picture, I've used paprika as a topping.

Step 5: 

Enjoy and let your guests enjoy!

Get Your Party Started!

Impress your guests with these delicious deviled eggs. Find other party snack recipes below.