100 Harry Potter Trivia Questions: Test Your Wizarding Knowledge

Dive into the magical world of Hogwarts with our "100 Harry Potter Trivia Questions: Test Your Wizarding Knowledge" page! Packed with a wide range of questions that cover everything from the enchanted corridors of Hogwarts to the dark secrets of Voldemort, this trivia challenge is perfect for any die-hard Harry Potter fan. Whether you're hosting a Harry Potter-themed party, organizing a trivia night, or just looking to test your knowledge, these questions will put your wizarding skills to the test. From spells and potions to magical creatures and famous quotes, see how well you know the wizarding world. Grab your wand, summon your friends, and get ready to prove who the true Harry Potter expert is!

How to Use the Harry Potter Trivia as a Party Game

Hosting a Harry Potter-themed party? These trivia questions are a perfect way to entertain your guests and test their knowledge of the Wizarding World. Here are two fun ways to incorporate the trivia into your event—one as a classic game and the other as a lively drinking game:

Non-Drinking Game: Hogwarts House Competition

Divide your guests into teams, each representing one of the four Hogwarts Houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. You can either let guests choose their Houses or assign them randomly.

  1. Setup:

    • Print out the trivia questions and keep a score sheet for each team.
    • Designate a quizmaster to read out the questions.
  2. Gameplay:

    • Each House takes turns answering a trivia question. If they answer correctly, they earn 10 points for their House. If they get it wrong, the question is passed to the next House.
    • For an extra challenge, introduce “House Points Bonuses,” where teams can earn extra points for answering particularly difficult questions.
    • After all questions have been answered, the team with the most points wins the House Cup! You can award themed prizes like wands, house scarves, or a certificate.
  3. Final Touch:

    • End the game with a special bonus round or a lightning round where teams can answer as many questions as they can within a set time limit.

Drinking Game: Butterbeer Challenge

For a more festive atmosphere, turn the trivia into a drinking game with a magical twist!

  1. Setup:

    • Prepare a variety of themed drinks (like Butterbeer, Firewhisky, or a non-alcoholic potion).
    • Print out the trivia questions and have a quizmaster ready.
  2. Gameplay:

    • Each guest or team takes turns answering a trivia question. If they answer correctly, they can choose another player to take a sip of their drink. If they get it wrong, they must take a sip themselves.
    • For a tougher challenge, add “Spellcasting Rules” where wrong answers require the player to perform a quick spell (like waving a wand or shouting a spell) before taking their sip.
    • To keep the game light and fun, ensure that the drinks are in moderation and that there are plenty of non-alcoholic options.
  3. Final Touch:

    • After the trivia, you can end with a "Cheers to Hogwarts" toast where everyone raises their glasses to the best moments of the Wizarding World.

Whether you choose the competitive Hogwarts House version or the lighthearted Butterbeer Challenge, these trivia games will make your Harry Potter-themed party unforgettable!

General Trivia

  1. What house at Hogwarts does Harry belong to?

    • a) Ravenclaw
    • b) Hufflepuff
    • c) Slytherin
    • d) Gryffindor
  2. What is the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl?

    • a) Errol
    • b) Hedwig
    • c) Crookshanks
    • d) Scabbers
  3. Who was the Half-Blood Prince?

    • a) Sirius Black
    • b) Remus Lupin
    • c) Severus Snape
    • d) Tom Riddle
  4. What is the name of the Weasley's house?

    • a) The Nest
    • b) The Burrow
    • c) The Den
    • d) The Hollow
  5. What position does Harry play on his Quidditch team?

    • a) Beater
    • b) Chaser
    • c) Keeper
    • d) Seeker
  6. What does the spell “Expelliarmus” do?

    • a) Knocks back opponents
    • b) Disarms opponents
    • c) Stuns opponents
    • d) Binds opponents
  7. What is the name of Lord Voldemort's snake?

    • a) Nagini
    • b) Aragog
    • c) Fluffy
    • d) Buckbeak
  8. Who gave Harry the Marauder's Map?

    • a) Sirius Black
    • b) Remus Lupin
    • c) Fred and George Weasley
    • d) Albus Dumbledore
  9. What plant does Harry use in the second task of the Triwizard Tournament?

    • a) Gillyweed
    • b) Mandrake
    • c) Devil’s Snare
    • d) Venomous Tentacula
  10. What shape does Harry's Patronus take?

    • a) Stag
    • b) Doe
    • c) Wolf
    • d) Otter


  1. Who was the first to be petrified by the basilisk in "Chamber of Secrets"?

    • a) Colin Creevey
    • b) Hermione Granger
    • c) Mrs. Norris
    • d) Justin Finch-Fletchley
  2. What is Hermione’s middle name?

    • a) Jean
    • b) Jane
    • c) Joan
    • d) June
  3. Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts when Tom Riddle attends?

    • a) Albus Dumbledore
    • b) Armando Dippet
    • c) Phineas Nigellus Black
    • d) Horace Slughorn
  4. Which professor teaches flying lessons?

    • a) Professor Sprout
    • b) Professor McGonagall
    • c) Madam Hooch
    • d) Professor Flitwick
  5. Who killed Dobby?

    • a) Bellatrix Lestrange
    • b) Lucius Malfoy
    • c) Fenrir Greyback
    • d) Draco Malfoy
  6. Who did Ron Weasley end up marrying?

    • a) Hermione Granger
    • b) Lavender Brown
    • c) Luna Lovegood
    • d) Pansy Parkinson
  7. What Animagus form does Sirius Black take?

    • a) A wolf
    • b) A cat
    • c) A dog
    • d) A rat
  8. What is the name of Voldemort’s mother?

    • a) Merope
    • b) Morfin
    • c) Marvolo
    • d) Millicent
  9. Which of the Weasley siblings dies in the Battle of Hogwarts?

    • a) Percy
    • b) Fred
    • c) George
    • d) Charlie
  10. Who is the ghost of Gryffindor house?

    • a) The Fat Friar
    • b) The Bloody Baron
    • c) Moaning Myrtle
    • d) Nearly Headless Nick

Spells & Potions

  1. Which spell is used to summon objects?

    • a) Lumos
    • b) Accio
    • c) Wingardium Leviosa
    • d) Alohomora
  2. What potion grants luck to its drinker?

    • a) Felix Felicis
    • b) Polyjuice Potion
    • c) Amortentia
    • d) Veritaserum
  3. Which spell opens locked doors?

    • a) Expelliarmus
    • b) Alohomora
    • c) Lumos
    • d) Reducto
  4. What does the spell "Obliviate" do?

    • a) Erases memories
    • b) Transforms objects
    • c) Creates light
    • d) Shields against spells
  5. Which potion allows someone to take on the appearance of someone else?

    • a) Draught of Living Death
    • b) Polyjuice Potion
    • c) Amortentia
    • d) Felix Felicis
  6. Which spell produces a Patronus?

    • a) Expecto Patronum
    • b) Expelliarmus
    • c) Protego
    • d) Stupefy
  7. What does the spell "Lumos" do?

    • a) Lights up the caster's wand
    • b) Unlocks doors
    • c) Disarms opponents
    • d) Repairs broken objects
  8. Which spell would you use to fix a broken object?

    • a) Reparo
    • b) Reducio
    • c) Lumos
    • d) Stupefy
  9. What is the effect of the Imperius Curse?

    • a) Causes intense pain
    • b) Controls the victim's actions
    • c) Kills the victim
    • d) Erases memories
  10. Which potion is known as the "Draught of Peace"?

    • a) A calming potion
    • b) A sleeping potion
    • c) A potion for healing
    • d) A potion for strength

Magical Creatures

  1. What is the name of Hagrid's giant spider?

    • a) Aragog
    • b) Shelob
    • c) Fluffy
    • d) Fang
  2. What kind of creature is Buckbeak?

    • a) Thestral
    • b) Hippogriff
    • c) Dragon
    • d) Centaur
  3. What is a Boggart?

    • a) A shape-shifter that takes the form of your worst fear
    • b) A creature that lives in swamps
    • c) A small goblin-like creature
    • d) A flying beast with a poisonous bite
  4. What creature does Hermione set free in "Chamber of Secrets"?

    • a) Dobby
    • b) Aragog
    • c) Norbert
    • d) Fawkes
  5. What is the name of the three-headed dog guarding the Sorcerer’s Stone?

    • a) Fluffy
    • b) Fang
    • c) Aragog
    • d) Norbert
  6. Which creature can only be seen by those who have witnessed death?

    • a) Thestral
    • b) Hippogriff
    • c) Basilisk
    • d) Dementor
  7. Which creature is known for guarding treasure and is featured in "Goblet of Fire"?

    • a) Hungarian Horntail
    • b) Basilisk
    • c) Phoenix
    • d) House-elf
  8. What type of creature is a Grindylow?

    • a) A water demon
    • b) A type of dragon
    • c) A magical horse
    • d) A tree spirit
  9. What type of magical creature is Dobby?

    • a) House-elf
    • b) Goblin
    • c) Pixie
    • d) Centaur
  10. What are Dementors attracted to?

    • a) Happiness and positive feelings
    • b) Dark magic
    • c) Gold
    • d) Fear and despair


  1. What village is located near Hogwarts?

    • a) Hogsmeade
    • b) Godric's Hollow
    • c) Little Whinging
    • d) Ottery St. Catchpole
  2. Where does Harry first meet Professor Quirrell?

    • a) Diagon Alley
    • b) The Leaky Cauldron
    • c) Hogwarts
    • d) The Forbidden Forest
  3. What is the name of the train that takes students to Hogwarts?

    • a) The Knight Bus
    • b) The Hogwarts Express
    • c) The Flying Car
    • d) The Magic Train
  4. Where do Harry and Ron crash the flying car?

    • a) The Whomping Willow
    • b) The Forbidden Forest
    • c) Hagrid's Hut
    • d) The Astronomy Tower
  5. Which street does the Dursley family live on?

    • a) Privet Drive
    • b) Wisteria Walk
    • c) Magnolia Crescent
    • d) Spinner’s End
  6. Where is the Room of Requirement located?

    • a) The Forbidden Forest
    • b) The dungeons
    • c) The Astronomy Tower
    • d) The seventh floor of Hogwarts
  7. What is the name of the wizarding bank in Diagon Alley?

    • a) Gringotts
    • b) Ollivanders
    • c) Borgin and Burkes
    • d) Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
  8. Where was Harry born?

    • a) Godric’s Hollow
    • b) The Burrow
    • c) Little Whinging
    • d) Hogsmeade
  9. Where is the Slytherin common room located?

    • a) In the dungeons
    • b) In the Astronomy Tower
    • c) Behind a portrait
    • d) Near the kitchens
  10. What is the name of the pub in Hogsmeade that students visit?

    • a) The Leaky Cauldron
    • b) The Three Broomsticks
    • c) The Hog's Head
    • d) The Burrow


  1. What are the names of the four Hogwarts houses?

    • a) Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin
    • b) Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Ilvermorny, Koldovstoretz
    • c) Lannister, Stark, Targaryen, Baratheon
    • d) Camelot, Avalon, Brigadoon, Shangri-La
  2. Which house values bravery and chivalry?

    • a) Ravenclaw
    • b) Gryffindor
    • c) Hufflepuff
    • d) Slytherin
  3. What is the name of the Hogwarts caretaker?

    • a) Argus Filch
    • b) Gilderoy Lockhart
    • c) Horace Slughorn
    • d) Minerva McGonagall
  4. Which house does Draco Malfoy belong to?

    • a) Gryffindor
    • b) Hufflepuff
    • c) Slytherin
    • d) Ravenclaw
  5. What is the name of the poltergeist at Hogwarts?

    • a) Peeves
    • b) Moaning Myrtle
    • c) The Bloody Baron
    • d) Nearly Headless Nick
  6. Which magical object shows the deepest desires of a person’s heart?

    • a) The Mirror of Erised
    • b) The Pensieve
    • c) The Time-Turner
    • d) The Sorting Hat
  7. What are the three Unforgivable Curses?

    • a) Avada Kedavra, Imperius, Cruciatus
    • b) Expelliarmus, Stupefy, Protego
    • c) Sectumsempra, Lumos, Accio
    • d) Reducto, Petrificus Totalus, Wingardium Leviosa
  8. Who was the Potions Master at Hogwarts before Snape?

    • a) Horace Slughorn
    • b) Albus Dumbledore
    • c) Gilderoy Lockhart
    • d) Remus Lupin
  9. What magical artifact did Harry, Ron, and Hermione search for in the Philosopher's Stone?

    • a) The Sorcerer’s Stone
    • b) The Mirror of Erised
    • c) The Invisibility Cloak
    • d) The Marauder’s Map
  10. Which Hogwarts house is known for its loyalty and hard work?

    • a) Hufflepuff
    • b) Slytherin
    • c) Ravenclaw
    • d) Gryffindor

Books & Movies

  1. Which book features the Triwizard Tournament?

    • a) The Goblet of Fire
    • b) The Chamber of Secrets
    • c) The Prisoner of Azkaban
    • d) The Half-Blood Prince
  2. What is the last book in the Harry Potter series?

    • a) The Half-Blood Prince
    • b) The Order of the Phoenix
    • c) The Deathly Hallows
    • d) The Goblet of Fire
  3. Who directed the first two Harry Potter films?

    • a) Alfonso Cuarón
    • b) David Yates
    • c) Chris Columbus
    • d) Mike Newell
  4. Which character was played by both Richard Harris and Michael Gambon?

    • a) Albus Dumbledore
    • b) Professor Flitwick
    • c) Severus Snape
    • d) Cornelius Fudge
  5. In which book does Dobby first appear?

    • a) The Philosopher’s Stone
    • b) The Chamber of Secrets
    • c) The Goblet of Fire
    • d) The Prisoner of Azkaban
  6. What is the title of the third book in the series?

    • a) The Order of the Phoenix
    • b) The Prisoner of Azkaban
    • c) The Chamber of Secrets
    • d) The Half-Blood Prince
  7. Who composed the score for the first Harry Potter film?

    • a) John Williams
    • b) Hans Zimmer
    • c) James Newton Howard
    • d) Howard Shore
  8. Which book features the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort?

    • a) The Order of the Phoenix
    • b) The Half-Blood Prince
    • c) The Goblet of Fire
    • d) The Deathly Hallows
  9. Which character was not in the first film but was introduced in "The Chamber of Secrets"?

    • a) Gilderoy Lockhart
    • b) Cedric Diggory
    • c) Remus Lupin
    • d) Sirius Black
  10. What is the first chapter of "The Philosopher's Stone" called?

    • a) The Boy Who Lived
    • b) The Vanishing Glass
    • c) The Keeper of the Keys
    • d) The Letters From No One

Dark Arts

  1. Which dark wizard did Dumbledore defeat in 1945?

    • a) Gellert Grindelwald
    • b) Lord Voldemort
    • c) Lucius Malfoy
    • d) Bellatrix Lestrange
  2. What is the name of Voldemort’s loyal snake?

    • a) Nagini
    • b) Norbert
    • c) Aragog
    • d) Fluffy
  3. What dark object can split a soul into pieces?

    • a) Horcrux
    • b) The Mirror of Erised
    • c) The Resurrection Stone
    • d) The Time-Turner
  4. Who killed Sirius Black?

    • a) Bellatrix Lestrange
    • b) Lord Voldemort
    • c) Lucius Malfoy
    • d) Fenrir Greyback
  5. What are the followers of Voldemort called?

    • a) Death Eaters
    • b) Inferi
    • c) Dementors
    • d) Order of the Phoenix
  6. Which dark curse did Harry use on Draco in "Half-Blood Prince"?

    • a) Sectumsempra
    • b) Crucio
    • c) Avada Kedavra
    • d) Imperio
  7. What are the creatures that guard Azkaban?

    • a) Dementors
    • b) Inferi
    • c) Boggarts
    • d) Acromantulas
  8. Who was the original owner of the Elder Wand?

    • a) Antioch Peverell
    • b) Gellert Grindelwald
    • c) Albus Dumbledore
    • d) Draco Malfoy
  9. What does Voldemort’s name mean in French?

    • a) Flight of death
    • b) Fear of death
    • c) Return from death
    • d) Escape from death
  10. Who is the heir of Slytherin?

    • a) Tom Riddle
    • b) Harry Potter
    • c) Draco Malfoy
    • d) Salazar Slytherin


  1. What is the name of the Quidditch ball used to score goals?

    • a) Quaffle
    • b) Bludger
    • c) Snitch
    • d) Wiffle
  2. Who was the Quidditch commentator at Hogwarts?

    • a) Lee Jordan
    • b) Marcus Flint
    • c) Oliver Wood
    • d) Angelina Johnson
  3. Which Quidditch team did Viktor Krum play for?

    • a) Bulgaria
    • b) Ireland
    • c) England
    • d) France
  4. Which broomstick does Harry receive in his third year?

    • a) Nimbus 2000
    • b) Nimbus 2001
    • c) Firebolt
    • d) Comet 260
  5. Which team won the Quidditch World Cup in "Goblet of Fire"?

    • a) Ireland
    • b) Bulgaria
    • c) England
    • d) France
  6. Who was the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team during Harry’s first year?

    • a) Oliver Wood
    • b) Angelina Johnson
    • c) Fred Weasley
    • d) George Weasley
  7. How many players are on a Quidditch team?

    • a) 7
    • b) 6
    • c) 5
    • d) 8
  8. What is the role of the Beaters in Quidditch?

    • a) To hit Bludgers at the opposing team
    • b) To score goals
    • c) To catch the Snitch
    • d) To defend the goalposts
  9. Which position does Ginny Weasley play on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?

    • a) Chaser
    • b) Beater
    • c) Keeper
    • d) Seeker
  10. What is the maximum speed of the Firebolt broomstick?

    • a) 150 mph
    • b) 200 mph
    • c) 100 mph
    • d) 180 mph

Advanced Trivia

  1. What form does Luna Lovegood's Patronus take?

    • a) Hare
    • b) Otter
    • c) Stag
    • d) Horse
  2. What is the name of the Black family house-elf?

    • a) Kreacher
    • b) Dobby
    • c) Winky
    • d) Hokey
  3. Which character destroys the last Horcrux?

    • a) Neville Longbottom
    • b) Harry Potter
    • c) Hermione Granger
    • d) Ron Weasley
  4. What wood is Harry’s wand made from?

    • a) Holly
    • b) Yew
    • c) Oak
    • d) Willow
  5. Who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts in Harry's sixth year?

    • a) Severus Snape
    • b) Remus Lupin
    • c) Gilderoy Lockhart
    • d) Mad-Eye Moody
  6. Which potion allows Harry to breathe underwater in "Goblet of Fire"?

    • a) Gillyweed
    • b) Polyjuice Potion
    • c) Felix Felicis
    • d) Veritaserum
  7. What is the name of Fleur Delacour’s sister?

    • a) Gabrielle
    • b) Camille
    • c) Marie
    • d) Isabelle
  8. What is the core of Harry's wand?

    • a) Phoenix feather
    • b) Dragon heartstring
    • c) Unicorn hair
    • d) Thestral tail hair
  9. Who impersonates Mad-Eye Moody in "Goblet of Fire"?

    • a) Barty Crouch Jr.
    • b) Peter Pettigrew
    • c) Lucius Malfoy
    • d) Bellatrix Lestrange
  10. Who retrieves the locket Horcrux from the cave with Harry? - a) Albus Dumbledore - b) Hermione Granger - c) Ron Weasley - d) Sirius Black

Harry Potter Themed Prizes or Rewards

Here are some fun ideas for Harry Potter-themed prizes or rewards that you can use for your trivia game or any other Harry Potter-themed event:

1. Wands

  • Replicas of popular characters' wands or custom-made wands.
  • DIY kits for guests to create their own wands.

2. House Scarves or Ties

  • Scarves, ties, or beanies representing each Hogwarts House (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw).

3. Hogwarts Acceptance Letters

  • Personalized acceptance letters for guests, complete with a wax seal for an authentic touch.

4. Potion Bottles

  • Small glass bottles filled with colored liquids (like colored water or soda) labeled as different potions (e.g., Polyjuice Potion, Felix Felicis).

5. Funko Pop Figures

  • Funko Pop! vinyl figures of beloved characters from the series.

6. Hogwarts House Badges

  • Pinback buttons or magnets representing the four Hogwarts Houses.

7. A Free Butterbeer

  • For an adult Harry Potter party, reward the winners with complimentary beers to enhance the celebratory atmosphere.

Congratulations on completing our "100 Harry Potter Trivia Questions" challenge! Whether you aced every question or learned a few new facts about the wizarding world, we hope you enjoyed testing your magical knowledge. Keep the spirit of Hogwarts alive by sharing these questions with fellow fans, hosting your own trivia night, or revisiting the books and movies for even more wizarding fun. Remember, the magic of Harry Potter is always there to explore, so don't let the adventure end here. Until next time, mischief managed!